An Annoying Post at the End of 2018

by - December 29, 2018
Coming back again!!

Oiya, kalo mungkin postingan sebelumnya aku sok tahu, sekarang aku bener-bener tahu hehe..

So, pardon me, if there are so many people think that their attitude and personality is quite suits with the result of the psikotest. Of course there are still some of them really have a good selfhood. Congrats for being just you with no dummy!! Cause this country really need somebody like you.

Jadi gini, emang agak nyambung sih sama postingan sebelumnya, that is why I recall it for you. Beberapa bulan yang lalu, hampir setahun sih wkwk, tepatnya Bulan Februari aku mengurus sebuah kartu yang menjadi salah satu syarat pas kita udah dipekerjakan oleh suatu badan hehe, yup it is kartu NPWP. Ya padahal penghasilan juga masih dibawah PTKP wkwk. So yeah, as a very bussy person HAHA nggak mungkin kan aku datang ke kantor KPP domisili aku, selagi aku kerja di suatu tempat yang mayan jauh dari sana?

Yup of course, Indonesia yang akhirnya melek teknologi untuk pelayanan masyarakatnya, menyediakan situs resmi dari Ditjen Pajak untuk fill up our Information in case to create kartu NPWP tersebut. What a chill~

Seneng kan jadinya kalau apa-apa bisa semudah itu diurusnya di negeri ini, yaaah meskipun masih lambat responnya. But, over all it helps a lot yakaaan?

Akhirnya aku google step untuk apply. Soooooo, it came quickly and then they sent me such a Surat Keterangan kalau aku memang sudah terdaftar dengan nomor NPWP xxxxxxxxx hehe...

So happy kan, without sweating it ends smooth with a waiting for the card that would be sent directly to our address. Nice!!

But then aku yang sok busy nggak ngurusin lagi itu kelanjutannya macam apa, sad!

Such a month a go, I really did need that THING and I called somebody at home to make sure It were there, but NO. Cry! Clearly my mom said that she received nothing so far. Baiklah langsung kan aku menghubungi nomor yang menunjukan Customer Service KPP domisili di mana mereka yang menerbitkan nomor NPWP dan seharusnya mengirimkan kartu ke alamat rumahku tersebut. Surprisingly they told me easily and with no regrets that it must be something wrong with the expedition, so that was why it didn’t deliver to my house. The most annoying thing was she said I have to refill my data at the nearest KPP. Gosh!! So why did you call it as online service mbak?
She said she could do nothing because my data is processed by another employee in there that has been moved. What the? It really doesn’t make sense, isn’t it? Maybe they really are professional people that has been worked for a long period with a  very competitive recruitment!! Well done!

Such a terrible person with some superb reasons. Pardon me God!
That is what I mean on my previous post. Hope you understand :')

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